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From Farm to Table: How Rural 1st Bridges the Gap for Families in Need

Rural 1st team member gleans corn for the farms to food banks program

For years, Rural 1st’s Farms to Food Banks program has made a meaningful impact, delivering fresh, nutritious food to those in need. This initiative reflects our dedication to the future of rural communities and agriculture, ensuring everyone has access to healthy meals.

This past September, during National Hunger Action Month, Rural 1st and Farm Credit Mid-America team members rolled up their sleeves and visited local farms to gather fresh produce. These efforts led to the donation of essential nutrition to community food banks, providing vital support to families. Last year, our volunteers dedicated more than 740 hours on our customer-owners’ farms and additional countless hours at food banks across Arkansas, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio and Tennessee. These food banks played a crucial role in:

  • Distributing 156 million pounds of food in Indiana
  • Helping to feed 1 in 7 Kentuckians
  • Partnering with nearly 100 farmers, growers and producers in Ohio through the Agricultural Clearance Program
  • Feeding Tennesseans at risk for hunger in 95 counties throughout Tennessee
  • Providing healthy fruits and vegetables to 180 partner agencies in 12 counties in Northeast Arkansas

“Our team’s dedication to Farms to Food Banks grows stronger each year,” Rylee Alcorn, Rural 1st Loan Officer. “By partnering with local farmers and foodbanks across our territory, we’re able to make a real difference, addressing food insecurity and highlighting the value of the agriculture industry at a local level.” Since the program began, we’ve donated substantial funds to local food banks, helping source farm-fresh products and maintain the freshness of produce and protein through resources like cold storage.

September, as National Hunger Action Month, saw food banks nationwide unite to combat hunger by providing food and support to millions. With every volunteer hour and donation, Rural 1st made a difference, one meal at a time.

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